Little Red Riding Hood's Detective Adventure Chinese Trailer
Directed by Yuichi Fukuda and starring Kanna Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Iwanaga, and Yuko Araki, the movie 'Little Red Riding Hood's Detective Adventure' released its Chinese trailer. In this mystery comedy film, Little Red Riding Hood (played by Kanna Hashimoto) transforms into a detective and embarks on a thrilling investigation in the fairytale world. The movie will premiere on Netflix on September 14. During her journey, Little Red Riding Hood encounters a destitute Cinderella (played by Yuko Araki), and with the help of a witch, they transform themselves to attend a magnificent ball. However, on their way, they accidentally hit and hide a man's body, leading to a chain of unexpected events and intriguing characters. Join them in uncovering the truth behind this intricate murder mystery in the beautiful fairyland!