Controversy Surrounds Feng Xiaogang's Disappearance of Vitiligo, Doctors Provide Answers
Controversy Surrounds Feng Xiaogang's Disappearance of Vitiligo, Doctors Provide Answers
Vitiligo is a common acquired skin disorder characterized by the loss of skin pigment. The exact mechanism is still unclear, but it often affects areas such as the back of the hands, wrists, forearms, and face. Doctors state that vitiligo is a particularly stubborn disease with a high level of difficulty in treatment. It is possible to achieve a cure with active use of medication or surgical methods in the early stages of the disease. However, as the condition worsens, it becomes more challenging to treat, and generally, a complete cure is not achievable. For patients with larger affected areas and longer durations of the disease, a comprehensive treatment approach is recommended.
Dr. Song Jiquan, Director of the Department of Dermatology at Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital, stated that the possibility of spontaneous healing after more than ten years of the disease is very low. Feng Xiaogang may have undergone some form of treatment or used makeup to enhance the appearance of his skin condition.