Journey of the Bell Sprout: Extended Until 7/23, the Adventure Continues
The story follows a 17-year-old girl named Bell Sprout who lives in the rural countryside of Kyushu, Japan. She encounters a young man on a quest to find the 'Doors' and embarks on a journey with him. Following the young man's footsteps, Bell Sprout arrives at a desolate area on a mountain, where a solitary ancient door stands amidst the ruins, as if the only remaining relic of a collapse. Intrigued, Bell Sprout reaches out her hand towards the door...
Soon after, doors across Japan start opening, one by one. It is said that the opened doors must be closed, or else calamity will befall the world from the other side of the door.
Marvel Animation's "What If...?" Confirms Renewal for Season Three - Official Unveils First Clip
Explore the first clip of Marvel's "What If...?" Season Three, featuring the stunning appearances of Winter Soldier, Red Guardian, and Nick Fury. Marvel Animation continues to captivate with unique twists on key moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Join the anticipation for this high-rated series! ...
Hayao Miyazaki Documentary Sparks Speculation: New Film Could Be a Sequel to "Valley of the Wind"
Explore Hayao Miyazaki's latest masterpiece, possibly continuing the "Valley of the Wind" series. Immerse yourself in the classics, experiencing the beauty of a fantastical world. Don't miss out on the excitement! ...
Netflix Renews "Blue-eyed Warrior" for Season 2 - Island Brother Hails it as the Best Animated Series of the Year
Embark on the thrilling adventures of "Blue-eyed Warrior" Season 2! Netflix officially announces the renewal, hailed by Hideo Kojima as the best animation of the year. Dive into more exciting stories and suspenseful moments now! ...