
"Napoleon" Douban Rating 6.7: Visually Stunning Yet Narratively Hasty

"Napoleon" Douban Rating 6.7: Visually Stunning Yet Narratively Hasty



"Napoleon" Douban Rating 6.7: Visually Stunning Yet Narratively Hasty

Directed by Ridley Scott, starring Joaquin Phoenix, the biographical film "Napoleon" is now screening in mainland China. With over 12,000 reviews on Douban, it holds an average rating of 6.7.

"Napoleon" Douban Rating 6.7: Visually Stunning Yet Narratively Hasty

Viewers who have seen the film generally praise its artistry and cinematography, but criticize the rushed narrative that leaves them somewhat drowsy. Each battle and every relationship appears hurried. Additionally, the fact that the French characters speak English in the movie has drawn criticism, with some labeling it as a British fantasy film.

"Napoleon" Douban Rating 6.7: Visually Stunning Yet Narratively Hasty

"Napoleon" Douban Rating 6.7: Visually Stunning Yet Narratively Hasty
