
Secret Invasion: War Machine Possibly Replaced, Unaware of Iron Man's Sacrifice

Secret Invasion: War Machine Possibly Replaced, Unaware of Iron Man's Sacrifice



The Marvel series "Secret Invasion" has concluded, revealing that James Rhodes, aka War Machine, was replaced by Skrulls. However, according to the director's explanation, he might have been impersonated for quite some time, possibly unaware of Iron Man's sacrifice.

Secret Invasion: War Machine Possibly Replaced, Unaware of Iron Man's Sacrifice

According to ComicBook's report, director Ali Salim hinted that War Machine was replaced after "Captain America: Civil War." In that movie, War Machine suffered injuries and was hospitalized during the superhero conflict, but the specific moment of Skrull replacement remains unclear.

The director leans towards letting the audience revisit each moment and examine it from different perspectives. Alternatively, viewers can find answers in the upcoming standalone War Machine movie, titled "Armor War."

Secret Invasion: War Machine Possibly Replaced, Unaware of Iron Man's Sacrifice

In other words, if War Machine was replaced after the events of "Captain America: Civil War," he might not have experienced subsequent major events or even be aware of the sacrifice of his close friend, Iron Man.
