
Which Movie Does Tom Holland Consider the Best Spider-Man Film?

Which Movie Does Tom Holland Consider the Best Spider-Man Film?



As one of the Spider-Man actors, Tom Holland recently revealed his favorite Spider-Man film. He praised the performance of 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' and expressed excitement for its upcoming sequel.


Which Movie Does Tom Holland Consider the Best Spider-Man Film?

"I believe the first film in the 'Spider-Verse' is the best Spider-Man movie to date, and I'm proud of everyone involved. Amy Pascal is like a mother to me, and I was supposed to go as her date to the 'Into the Spider-Verse' premiere, but I couldn't make it due to work. Nevertheless, I'm incredibly proud of them! The second one has me thrilled, and I'm confident it will live up to all the expectations. Can't wait to see it."

Which Movie Does Tom Holland Consider the Best Spider-Man Film?
