
Zhang Xiafei's "Rescuing the Suspect" - 119 Minutes of Defending the Innocent

Zhang Xiafei's "Rescuing the Suspect" - 119 Minutes of Defending the Innocent



Zhang Xiafei's

Zhang Xiafei and Li Hongqi star in the film "Rescuing the Suspect," with a runtime of 119 minutes. The movie is set to premiere on November 3rd. According to Maoyan Professional Edition data, as of now, it has garnered 253,000 want-to-see counts.

Zhang Xiafei's

Chinese-American lawyer Chen Zhiqi (played by Zhang Xiafei) finds herself in a life-or-death situation when her daughter is kidnapped. She receives a mysterious phone call demanding that she defends a death row inmate within five days, or her daughter's life will be in danger. With no other choice, Chen Zhiqi teams up with police officer Jin Zhixiong (portrayed by Li Hongqi) to investigate.

However, during the search for clues, her defense of the death row inmate comes under scrutiny from the victim's family, including Lin Shue (played by Hui Yinghong). In this high-stakes battle to save her daughter's life, Chen Zhiqi is determined not to lose. Yet, as the case unfolds, she discovers that she's been drawn into another conspiracy.
