當總理埃琳娜·弗納姆 (Elena Vernham) 準備一年一度的勝利日慶祝活動時,疲憊的下士赫伯特·祖巴克 (Herbert Zubak) 抵達宮殿,在那裡他向新老闆介紹了嚴格的健康預防措施。 在向高階部長通報了與美國即將達成的鈷協議後,埃琳娜譴責祖巴克在她的奢華宴會上過於嚴格地遵守命令。
由於擔心祖巴克日益增長的影響力,尼古拉斯與拉斯金、希夫和辛格密謀,想方設法讓埃琳娜對這位下士產生不滿。 隨著鈷交易陷入僵局,埃琳娜歡迎參議員朱迪思·霍爾特來到宮殿,就兩國之間的協議進行談判。 後來,艾格尼絲迴避了拉斯金關於她生病的兒子奇蹟般健康的詢問。
在派祖巴克出席內閣會議後,埃琳娜就她的新土地改革政策以及霍爾特參議員訪問後美國日益冷漠的態度發出警告。 後來,在為已故父親舉辦生日派對後,埃琳娜下令進行一場有爭議的軍事行動……並將祖巴克派往前線。
As Zubak learns the true location of Keplinger, the chancellor's biggest political rival, Elena attempts to do damage control in the wake of a tragic accident. As public sentiment against her continues to grow, Elena and Nicholas make a rare trip outside palace walls to meet with factory workers. Meanwhile, Agnes' loyalty is tested by an offer from an unknown source.
As Christmas approaches – and amid escalating violence – Elena remains determined to not abandon her people, despite being advised to leave the palace. Meanwhile, Schiff, Singer, and Huber imagine a scenario where the increasingly unpredictable chancellor could be removed, and Peter proposes a way for Agnes and her son to get out of the palace to safety...but with a price.