A girl discovers that she is part of a group of heroes destined to fight evil throughout time.
Melinda and Copernicus seek the remaining heroes of Unicorn while the supernatural evil unleashes a sinister force to stop them.
Melinda's mental struggle causes her to seek out the normality of Emma's old life, while Edred, Seng and Copernicus are embroiled in a citywide manhunt for Unicorn.
An evil foe traps Unicorn aboard an ancient ship where the specter of a vanquished crew encompasses their doom.
Emma and Melinda relive moments from the past; Unicorn struggles in the present to contain a creature born out of her magic.
Melinda and Edred seek a mechanical genius to fix Copernicus; Seng searches for the solution across the Sea of Time.
Unicorn's quest to fix Copernicus leads them into a blood war for control over Edred's homeland.