New Trailer Released for 'The Flash' as Michael Keaton's Batman Makes an Appearance
'The Flash' follows Barry (Ezra Miller) as he travels back in time to alter the past in an attempt to save his family. However, his actions unintentionally change the future, bringing about the return of General Zod...
No More Batman: Clooney Confirms Cameo in "The Flash" is One-Time
George Clooney confirms a brief return in 'The Flash' movie, unveiling a one-time cameo and dispelling any possibility of reprising Batman. DC universe stirs this summer with a 25-year comeback, a must-see moment you won't want to miss! ...
DC's "The Flash" Premieres on September 6th at Midnight on Streaming Platforms with a 7.7 IMDb Rating
DC's 'The Flash': Premiering at Midnight on September 6th, boasting a 7.7 IMDb rating. Starring Ezra Miller as The Flash, with Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck returning as Batman. Sasha Calle joins as Supergirl. A thrilling time-travel adventure to save the past. ...