In Lincoln City, some inhabitants have extraordinary abilities. Most live below the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a heavily militarized police force. Connor, a construction worker with powers, involves with a criminal gang to help his ailing mother. (Based on the short film “Code 8,” 2016.)
Robbie Amell
As Connor Reed
Stephen Amell
As Garrett
Kari Matchett
As Mary Reed
Penny Eizenga
As Receptionist
Lawrence Bayne
As Big Joe
Jai Jai Jones
As Travis
Alex Mallari Jr.
As Rainer
Shaun Benson
As Dixon
Sung Kang
As Park
Aaron Abrams
As Davis
Martin Roach
As Captain Milltown
Nneka Elliott
As Reporter
Matthew Gouveia
As Dave / Grocery Store Manager
Kevin Claydon
As Truck Passenger
Laysla De Oliveira
As Maddy
Vlad Alexis
As Freddie
Official Trailer
Code 8 Trailer | Official Trailer
Code 8 Collection
Collection of movies based on the short film Code 8 (2016)