In this new installment, Mister Twister faces a major challenge as he has to stand on his own. While continuing to inspire his students with creative teaching methods, he deals with changes both at school and in his personal life. The strict principal keeps him on his toes, and his students never fail to surprise him in their own unique ways. Filled with humor and heartwarming moments, the film shows how Mister Twister, despite the obstacles, always manages to bring out the best in his class.
Leendert de Ridder
As Mister Twister
Tamara Brinkman
As Tobias's Mom
Raymonde de Kuyper
As Mister Twister's Mom
Everon Jackson Hooi
As Philip
As Marie Louise
Sanne Wallis de Vries
As Dreus
Jochen Otten
As Mister Hank
Pauline Wingelaar
As Miss Pauline
As Hasna
Mister Twister Collection
Based on the highly popular series of children books, the Mister Twister collection chronicles the misadventures of a young intern teacher at an elementary school.