The action-packed thriller follows the journey of Sayen, a Mapuche woman who uncovers a dangerous conspiracy led by an international corporation that is destroying her family's land and ravaging the local ecosystems throughout Chile, and takes it upon herself to bring these people to justice and save her family's legacy.
Rallén Montenegro
As Sayen
As Fisk
Eva De Dominici
As Sofia
Alfredo Castro
As Alfredo Castro
Eyal Meyer
As Aguilar
Amalia Kassai
As Mari
Dindi Jane
As Antonia
Steevens Benjamin
As Baptiste
As José
Sayen: La cazadora - Tráiler Oficial | Prime Video
Sayen: The Huntress Trailer | Sayen: La cazadora - Tráiler Oficial | Prime Video
Sayen Collection
Amazon Studios announced that it has given the green light to the Sayen film trilogy, to be directed by acclaimed action film director Alexander Witt and produced by the Oscar-winning team, Pablo and Juan de Dios Larraín and Rocío Jadue from Fábula.