范志毅回應成演藝頂流:這麼說我可吃不消 別再吹了 2024-01-16 范志毅回應涉足演藝:電視劇繁花中的“範廠長”備受矚目。他強調足球是他的全部,迴歸足球的呼聲不斷。瞭解更多關於范志毅的最新動態。 ...
傑森史塔森主演《養蜂人》:是《極速追殺》的繼任者嗎? 2024-01-13 傑森·斯坦森主演的電影養蜂人:緊湊劇情,暴力復仇。斯坦森硬漢形象再現,追逐詐騙集團,面對權謀與危機。動作狠辣,爽片催淚。 ...
HBO《最後生還者》榮獲艾美獎八項大獎 尼爾刷屏慶祝 2024-01-07 HBO's acclaimed series "The Last Survivor" triumphs at the 75th Emmy Awards, securing 8 prestigious wins. Join the celebration with Neil's ecstatic Twitter updates! ...
太太力勸范志毅出演《繁花》 王家衛稱這角色非他莫屬 2024-01-05 繁花廠長范志毅驚豔亮相!足球明星轉型演技派,王家衛力薦角色,夫人勸說下勇敢挑戰。豆瓣8.1高分,胡歌、馬伊琍領銜主演,呈現九十年代傳奇故事。 ...
亨利新片《艾貝爾》曝新劇照:平頭哥造型堪稱毀容 2023-12-22 探秘亨利·卡維爾主演的新電影阿蓋爾:神秘特工!馬修·沃恩執導,豪華卡司聯袂演繹,一場記憶與復仇的精彩冒險即將揭開面紗。2024年內地上映,別錯過! ...
馮小剛之選《非誠勿擾3》:傾情新面孔,為影壇注入新活力 2023-12-20 馮小剛執導的非誠勿擾3笑料百出,葛優、範偉攜手演繹歡樂故事。虞書欣加盟為影片注入新元素。賀歲檔輕鬆喜劇,笑中帶淚,觀影絕佳選擇! ...
GQ盛典“瘋狂”菜市場拍攝惹議:名流購物究竟是真實還是炒作? 2023-12-08 GQ盛典掀“瘋狂”風潮,明星菜市場拍攝引熱議。楊冪、劉雨昕身著名牌,走入生活,真實與炒作交織,引發關注。 #GQ盛典 #明星拍攝 #瘋狂風潮 ...
漫威招牌是否也陷入低谷?《洛基》第二季首播收視率明顯低於首季 2023-11-03 Discover the latest on Marvel's TV series with 'Loki' Season 2. Explore the exciting storyline and watch the beloved character's new adventures. ...
驚悚片《墜落》計劃製作兩部續集,原班演員或悉數歸隊 2023-11-02 Discover the thrilling sequel plans for the hit movie 'Fallen' with the potential return of the original cast. Get ready for more suspense and excitement in this upcoming cinematic journey. ...
迪士尼收購串流媒體網站HULU:以860億美元拿下剩餘股份 2023-11-02 Disney acquires Hulu, expanding its streaming portfolio. With an $8.6 billion deal, Disney gains majority control of the popular streaming platform. ...
《GOLD BOY》:臺灣電影版《神秘角落》陣容曝光,嶄新預告曝光 2023-10-30 Discover the star-studded cast of the upcoming film 'GOLD BOY' (based on the novel 'Bad Kids' by Zi Jin Chen), a thrilling Japanese adaptation of 'The Hidden Corner.' Get ready for a cinematic treat! ...
"石榴姐" 袁瓊丹透露暫時息影 將挑戰直播帶貨 2023-10-29 Pomegranate Sister" Yuan Qiongdan temporarily steps away from acting to venture into livestream commerce, revealing a new and exciting challenge. ...
《情報遊戲》英文配音陣容調整 新版宣傳圖亮相 2023-10-29 Explore the exciting cast change in the English dub of '情報遊戲' Season 2, with Bryn Apprill temporarily taking over the role of Anya. Don't miss the latest episodes and the new promotional poster! ...
《海王2》再度更動檔期:延遲兩天至12月22日上映 2023-10-28 DC's highly-anticipated movie, 'Aquaman 2,' set to make a splash on December 22nd. Don't miss the action-packed sequel starring Jason Momoa and Amber Heard. ...
"《隱秘的角落》臺灣版"掀起臉書熱議 網友:演技太浮誇 2023-10-25 Discover the Japanese adaptation of 'The Bad Kids' by Zijin Chen. Get ready for intense drama and suspense in the Japanese version of 'Hidden Corners'. ...