According to the data from Mtime Pro, the film 'In the Octagonal Cage,' directed and starred by Wang Baoqiang, has grossed over 200 million in preview and presale box office, with approximately 380,000 people expressing interest on Mtime. The movie is scheduled for preview screenings from July 1st to July 5th, followed by a nationwide release on July 6th. 'In the Octagonal Cage' tells the story of Xiang Tenghui (played by Wang Baoqiang), who devotes himself to nurturing neglected children and offering them a ray of hope for the future. However, as past performance videos with 'cruel and bloody' scenes surface, the uninformed public becomes agitated. Overnight, public opinion begins to ferment, ensnaring Xiang Tenghui's life and the children's prospects in a web woven under the guise of righteousness. Where will their 'way out' to the future lie? ...