76歲美國老翁招認 18年前竊取《綠野仙蹤》紅寶石魔法鞋 2023-10-20 Discover the captivating story of a 76-year-old American confessing to the theft of iconic 'Wizard of Oz' ruby slippers after 18 years. Dive into this remarkable Hollywood heist. ...
多位大咖聯手提議:試圖結束好萊塢停擺現狀 2023-10-20 Hollywood's A-listers unite to revamp the industry. George Clooney, Emma Stone, Ben Affleck, and more propose groundbreaking reforms. ...
賈玲:英文版《李煥英》結尾有媽媽名字和照片 2023-10-19 Discover the heartfelt conclusion in the English version of 'Hello, Li Huan Ying,' featuring a mother's name and photo. Hollywood's remake awaits! ...
"《你好,李煥英》重拍掀風潮:母愛是全球共鳴" 2023-10-19 Discover the heartfelt Hollywood remake of 'You Hello, Li Huanying.' A universal tale of motherly love transcending cultures. Sony's announcement makes waves. ...
"狼叔"離婚後的生活:與"小賤賤"散步 相談甚歡 2023-09-19 狼叔(Hugh Jackman)離婚後與瑞安·雷諾茲(Ryan Reynolds)街頭漫步的新生活。未來的死侍3中將有他們的精彩合作。探索兩位明星的友情與演藝道路。 ...
《奧本海默》刪除80%特效員工署名 實際參與超160人 2023-09-06 瞭解電影奧本海默中的特效製作背後的故事,揭示了影視行業中特效工作者被忽視的現象。深入探討電影特效與真實場景的完美結合。 ...
小辣椒演員:鋼鐵人已逝 你們還讓我回歸? 2023-09-01 Gwyneth Paltrow addresses the possibility of her return to the Marvel movie universe as Pepper Potts (aka "Little Pepper") after Iron Man's demise, sparking fan discussions. ...