IMDb年終懷念影片 追憶逝去藝人:李玟 馬修派瑞等 2023-12-28 追憶2023年離世藝人,IMDb年度致敬影片。懷念邁克爾·甘本、馬修·派瑞、李玟等巨星。感受電影與電視領域失落的一年。 #IMDb #追思 #藝人致敬 ...
網飛CEO:《海賊王》IP神聖 路飛是史上最難選角之一 2023-10-19 Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos discusses the challenging casting of the lead role in 'One Piece' live-action adaptation, highlighting the success of the series. Discover the actor behind Luffy! ...
橋本環奈堅持漫改忠誠,強調必須熱愛角色 2023-10-17 Discover why actress Kanna Hashimoto remains dedicated to the authenticity of manga adaptations. Learn about her passion for portraying iconic characters in this brief insight. ...