"John Wick" spin-off drama "Intercontinental Hotel" premiere teaser to start airing in September 2023-04-13 "Quick Chase" spin-off series "Intercontinental Hotel" (also translated as Continental Hotel) released the first trailer video. ...
"John Wick" actor Lance died of a heart attack, his family questioned 2023-04-08 John Wick actor Lance Reddick died of ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, Mtime.com reported. ...
There may also be John Wick 5! Director is open to a sequel 2023-04-08 "Quick Chase 4" Chad Stahelsky said in an interview recently that the possibility of "Jack Chase 5" is not ruled out. ...
"John Wick" spin-off drama is scheduled to be released in North America on 6.7, Bond girl Anna starred 2023-04-05 "John Wick" spin-off movie "Ballerina Killer" is finalized. ...
"John Wick" is expected to shoot the fifth part! The fourth part was very successful 2023-03-28 John Wick 4 is widely considered to be the final installment in the series, and it ends...but after a solid opening weekend, Lionsgate is now considering a fifth installment. ...
Director of "Soul of Tsushima": Learned a lot from "John Wick" 2023-03-24 During a Q&A after IGN's special screening of John Wick 4 last night, Stahelski was asked what he learned from working on the John Wick franchise that he could bring to Ghost of Tsushima. ...
Tsushima Film Director: The success of the drama version of the end of the United States illuminates the way forward for Yougai works 2023-03-17 Chad Stalski ("John Wick"), director of Sony's Ghost of Tsushima film adaptation, talks about the film and the video game adaptation. ...