According to reports, British actor Ray Stevenson, who played 'Volstagg' in the Thor trilogy, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 58. His 59th birthday was just four days away. Stevenson had been hospitalized during the filming of a new series due to illness, and unfortunately, he couldn't recover. The cause of death remains unknown, and his family has chosen not to disclose it. Stevenson was currently filming a new series titled 'Casino of Ischia' in Italy, where he played the lead role in a story about the ups and downs of a martial arts star. His sudden demise could have a significant impact on the production of the film. Marvel Studios released a statement on May 23rd, mourning the loss of Ray Stevenson. They praised his humor and wit that he brought to the character of Volstagg and described him as a remarkable actor. Stevenson's co-stars, such as Skins Atkins and James Boffer, expressed their grief, calling him a strong and talented person and bidding him a farewell on his short journey of life. ...